The Pure Bookkeeping System


We are proud to use the Pure Bookkeeping System with all of our clients. We are accredited licensees, and all our bookkeepers have been trained in the Pure Bookkeeping System.

The Pure Bookkeeping System has been developed over 10 years by a team of professional bookkeepers and tested with dozens of bookkeepers working in 100's of organisations. It details industry best practice for bookkeeping, reporting and BAS lodgement. It is the only bookkeeping system endorsed by the Australian Bookkeepers Network – Australia’s premier professional body for bookkeepers.

What does that mean for you?

First and foremost your books will be impeccable. Whenever you look at any report the numbers will be right. When your Accountant gets the books at the end of the year, everything will be perfect - you won’t have to pay for your accountant to fix anything up. And if you ever get audited by the ATO, the process will be a smooth and quick as possible.

The System helps us empower you around your finances. We have a raft of different reports we can provide from a simple quarterly financial report to a sophisticated dashboard that will put you in control of your business, and put the right financial information at your fingertips in a way that makes sense.

The Pure Bookkeeping System also means that all of our team will do the bookkeeping exactly the same way. Any of our bookkeepers can pick up where someone else left off. If someone goes on holidays, gets pregnant, leaves the state or gets hit by the proverbial bus, we won’t miss a beat, and you probably won’t even notice the change.

All our bookkeepers are experienced, qualified, tested, and have been thoroughly trained in the Pure Bookkeeping System, so you can be assured of the highest quality.

If you choose to leave us and change bookkeepers for whatever reason, everything is in your client bookkeeping manual which you keep. So your new bookkeeper will get up to speed quickly and easily. One of the biggest risks with a regular bookkeeper is that everything is in his or her head … well not any more.

So most of all it gives you peace of mind – you can relax knowing that the finances of your business are in good hands.

Here’s what an accountant says about the Pure Bookkeeping System:

I’m blown away by the depth, thoroughness, and quality of the Pure Bookkeeping System, and the financials that I receive as a result. After experiencing the difference it makes to my business partnering a bookkeeper who is using the Pure Bookkeeping System I would never go back – and I recommend my clients only use bookkeepers who use the Pure Bookkeeping System.
— Craig Lawson – Craig Lawson Consulting